Ginny Ocana Cellular Phone Spain: 34-618-276-907

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Personal Information
Address: Calle Silva #20, Apt. 3C
Madrid, Madrid, 28004, Spain
Telephone Numbers: 91-523-8809 home, 618276907 cell.
Dirección electrónica:
Página web:
Idiomas: Spanish and English (perfect verbal and written communication)
Certifications Monitor Floor Pilates, Polestar Education
Monitor Floor Pilates, National Association of Teachers in the Pilates-Contrology Method
Pilates Training
2004 Course for Monitor Training - Pilates Polestar
Education, Madrid, Spain
Workshop of Body Rolling, Rosa Pasarin, Madrid, Spain
Workshop of Pilates for Dancers, Beth Malloney, Madrid, Spain
Workshop of Yogilates, Jonathan Urla, Madrid, Spain
Advanced Course in the Continued Education for Pilates Monitors, Cynthia McGee, Madrid, Spain
Course of Applied Anatomy in the Pilates technique, Dr. Juan Bosco Calvo, Madrid, Spain
2006 Participation in the First Mediterranean Congress of Pilates, organized by Corpora Pilates, Valencia, Spain. (Master Classes taken within the congress: Rael Isacowitz: Upper Body Exercises; Serafino Ambrosio: Gyrokinesis;
Workshops: Elizabeth Larkam: Pilates with Prop (Flex Ring and Foam Roller);
Rael Isakowitz: Pelvic and Spinal Stabilization; Serafino Ambrosio: Creative Mat
2007 Training Course for Floor Pilates Monitors, organized by the National Association of Teachers in the Pilates-Contrology Method, Madrid, Spain
Workshop: Pilates Oro/Pilates-Contrology
Pathology of the Spinal Column and Biomechanical Principles in Pilates/Pilates- Contrology
Excellent references are available upon request.
Personal Bio
I have been involved in the exploration and expression of the human body for over twenty years. From the beginning of the ‘80s, I started my training in contemporary dace, in Santo Domingo, specifically in the Martha Graham technique. In Mexico, I took continued education courses for teachers and dancers, in the same technique, as well as workshops in corporal and theatrical techniques. I have also trained in the Limon, Cunningham and Taylor schools.

In my twenty years as dancer/actor, I have performed as a soloist in dance pieces and theatre/dance, choreographed dances and taught children (creative movement), as well as adults.

In addition to my work in Pilates, I also practice Yoga. I introduce in my classes certain Yoga elements that are compatible with my discipline and teaching methodology, enriching in this way the class sessions.

I believe in the resources and potential of the human body, including its ability to maintain and rehabilitate health through pro-active and natural methods within the reach of every individual, such as healthy eating habits, a positive mind-set, and appropriate physical activity.
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